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got in bundle for Ukraine, tried to download it for first time and now I need to pay. I'll pass I guess

You may need to access it under bundles you own. That is not up to me. That’s how Itch organizes bundle content.


New NES game, this is exciting!


Bug report: When you jump kick next to an object that prevents you from moving forward, the leggite's foot goes flying by itself (in 3.18.22).

Thanks. I'm aware of that issue and hope to fix it in a future update. Cheers.

Update: This has finally been fixed.



What's a .nes file lols? I downloaded it now what? I'm on Windows 10 btw.


It’s a ROM for the original Nintendo Entertainment System. To play on your PC, I recommend downloading the NES emulator MESEN. It’s free. You can Google it.

And if you can, play with a controller. You’ll have to configure the buttons in the emulator under Inputs.



Likely won't happen lols, no worries it came in the Ukraine Bundle so I was expecting some games to of course not play on Windows directly, in fact the Ukraine bundle is a huge hodge podge of everything, From VR to Roms, to Printout Games, to Music, to Ebooks, to PDF's to Video games, and the list goes on! Some Developers bundled games within the Bundle making it easily 1100+ games in all honesty!

No worries. Thanks for supporting the bundle. And it’ll always be here waiting if you ever get an itch.


If I get an itch, it's usually only to colab on a game tbh, I haven't made a new game in awhile, due to how the world has played out, but equally I'm in my seat if anyone has an itch, and bam I colab lols.


Who would think an economic simulator game could inspire such a diverse series of games? But it's awesome it did.


I'm glad you enjoy them!